sábado, 24 de octubre de 2015

Muere maquillista de Katy Perry en aparente suicidio
El maquillista de estrellas como Katy Perry y Selena Gómez fue encontrado muerto en su carro en un aparente suicidio por inhalación de monóxido de carbono, según informó el portal eonline.com 
Jake Bailey, de 37 años, aparentemente dejó una nota según la Policía, pero el contenido de esta no ha sido revelado.
"Es con profundo dolor que informamos la muerte de Jake Bailey", informó la agencia para la que trabajaba Starworks Artist.
"Su talento era innegable, era un gran amigo, amaroso hijo y hermano y nuestro más sentido pésame a aquellas personas cuyas vidas fueron tocadas por él", añadió la agencia.
La estrella Katy Perry compartió una serie de fotos con el maquillista en su cuenta de instagram y dedicó un emotivo mensaje de condolencia por la pérdida.

"Sé que es difícil encontrar felicidad constante en el mundo, te entiendo en ese sentido. Quiero que sepas  que te aprecio y aprecio las lecciones que compartimos mutuamente sobre la vida", escribió la cantante.
Jake- My sweet, sensitive soul. What a wonderful journey and friendship we had together. What beautiful art we created together. We conquered the worlds biggest stages, together. I know you felt life so intensely and it created this incredible artistic passion in you that came out in everything you touched, from the amazing images you took to the ways you painted your muses, highlighting the beauty in everyone. You had the most otherworldly eye to detail... we would laugh about how you could take a nap in that eyelid crease you created (cause it was so deep) or Jake's 45 minute eyes... Which was such a precise lash that even Bambi couldn't rival. You essentially created my "look" ever since we met on the music video for Hot and Cold. We always confided in each other, rallied each other at our lows and pushed each other to be our best. We never got comfortable and I know that was why we did the best work together. My favorite moments of recent times is when we would meditate together during breaks on different jobs...tune all the noise out, forget about hollywood and the chaos that surrounds it, and look for a slice of peace, 20 minutes at a time. I know sometimes it was hard to find consistent happiness here on this earth, I understand you in that way. I want you to know now finally and forevermore that I appreciate you and all the lessons we traded each other in this life. I love you. No more work, no more searching, you are finally at peace. Every time I sit in that chair we shared, just know, no one holds a brush to you, friend. Be free now. My prayers are with the Bailey family.
Una foto publicada por KATY PERRY (@katyperry) el

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